Our Vision
To enable the next generation of connected transit
Our Purpose
Creating a more sustainable environment and economy through the deployment of zero emission vehicles
Our Personality
The bus company designed for a connected world
Connected Mobility
We are an Australian company delivering mobility solutions for a connected world. We work with our partners to create integrated transit solutions, enabled by technology. We believe buses are at the heart of any intelligent transport network; delivering a user-centric, connected experience that makes public transport an active choice.
Our modular architecture has been designed to support mixed powertrain fleet operations, with a focus on interior design with best in class ergonomics and comfort.
Supported by integrated passenger information and infotainment capability, it’s the BusTech Group’s advanced technology capabilities that enables the delivery of next generation connectivity to our customers. This connectivity is centred on delivering solutions that help bring vehicle networks together via telematics, passengers together via on-board communication enablement and operators together with their passengers via smart scheduling.
Innovation by Design
Putting buses at the heart of a connected world
Our philosophy is to strive for continued optimised design efficiency. This is considered in vehicle architecture, product services along with features, and the continued evaluation of business model efficiency.
We believe that the mass transit industry is at the start of a transition phase not only in zero emission products but also in the experiential expectations of patrons and service providers.
As we move to enabled smart cities our products will play its role in a connected environment supporting both product utility and efficiency and service delivery satisfaction. Our role is to deliver sustainable products which mitigate the environmental impact in manufacture, operation and end of lifecycle.
Zero Emission
We believe our changing transport needs require innovative solutions. That’s why we are pioneering the creation of a zero-emission bus future in Australia, enabling our clients to seamlessly transition to one of several decarbonised solutions.
By assisting State Governments to achieve their 2050 net zero emissions goal, this journey lowers the total cost of ownership for our clients whilst building cleaner, more connected communities for all Australians.
Our focus on zero emission buses forms part of our Technology, Innovation and Sustainability Roadmap. We collaborate with our customers so they can select their preferred technology outcomes, whilst maintaining and growing local jobs and economic benefit outcomes.
Advanced Manufacturing
Based in Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania with new ‘micro factories’ opening in NSW and Victoria, we are Australia’s largest independent bus manufacturer, with over 3,000 vehicles currently on road and a capacity to design and build over 500 new vehicles annually in Australia.
We create manufacturing facilities that are technology focused. Our overall strategy is built on the concept of micro factories activated on a state by state basis, attracting complementary businesses that form part of an industry 4.0 Manufacturing Hub and work together on advanced mobility projects. Intelligent product requires an intelligent manufacturing system.
Our manufacturing culture is set by operational staff, requiring engaged technical specialists aligned to low volume manufacture of complex product.
We support the In-house manufacturing of parts and components where practicable to control manufacturing process, reduce risk and increase local employment.
Corporate and Social Responsibility
We seek an active role in accelerating the creation of new mass transport solutions to support Australian state governments’ commitments to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Our Corporate Social Responsibility strategy is designed to enhance our positive impact on our clients business, through lowered total cost of ownership, and on the wider community through more sustainable economic development.
Quality and Risk Management
We are proud of our reputation for the manufacture and delivery of the highest quality buses to both private and government clients.
We manufacture our buses using best-practice quality, safety, environment and risk management systems independently accredited to relevant Australian and international standards.
BusTech Group is committed to implementing appropriate Quality, Safety and Environmental and Risk Management processes
within the organisation. Management ensures these policies and processes are implemented and maintained whilst all employees across the organisation are responsible and committed to
compliance with the processes in place.
We have established risk management procedures
and processes in place to ensure business threats, hazards and risks are identified and minimised, or eliminated, and are certified under ISO 4801, IS0 9001 and ISO 14001.
Beyond process, we believe quality is an attitude and we have a total quality ethos; working with our customers every day to ensure the highest adherence to specification and maximum satisfaction upon at delivery – and beyond. For us, vehicle delivery marks the start, not the end, of a journey with our clients and our aftermarket team are committed to support ongoing operations and relationships across Australia and internationally.